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Showing posts with label Blogger Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Tricks. Show all posts

17 May, 2013

Blogger and Google+ Comments Together With Toggle

Blogger and Google+ Comments
Google+ commenting system is a latest released commenting system for Blogger platform. But there are some disadvantages of using Google+ comments only. Keeping this thing in eye, our expert web developers got idea of using Blogger and Google+ together with toggle. So, they created this new commenting system and shared it among all the Bloggers. So, Today I'm going to share that new commenting system with my loyal readers. For enabling only Google+ Comments, You used to enable it from Google+ page but here, you don't need to enable from there because we're going to use the coding of it. Before we get into the tutorial, let me explain something about this.

16 May, 2013

Add Official Blogger Contact Form In Your Blog

Blogger Contact Form
As you know that Blogger engineers are working on Blogger to make it more user friendly and easy to use; They introduced many new features like New HTML Editor, Google+ Mention and Google+ Commenting System. So today they also have introduced the another good feature which is "Official Blogger Contact Form". So in this update, we've got an dashing contact form which's design is similar to Google. This contact form contains three text areas which are name section, email section and message section. By default, email and message text areas are required. This form also contains a beautiful "Send" button which is totally adapted from Google. When someone will send feedback through this form then you will get it into your Gmail account which you are using on Blogger.

12 May, 2013

jQurey Social Pop Up Box With Timer For Blogger

Previously, I shared a "Share To Enter" pop up subscription box and today here I'm going to share a similar pop up box like that. This pop up is little different from previous one. The main thing of this pop up is it has a timer for disappearing and we can also hide the close button in it which was impossible is the previous widget. This widget has also three main social buttons which are like button, follow button and plus 1 button. This widget is created with jQuery and JavaScript. This pop up widget appears when someone enters into your blog and locks your blog. Now your visitor will have to click on any button to unlock your blog and then they can access your blog. This can increase the social followers of your blog and you will get more traffic from social sites.

11 May, 2013

Share To Enter Pop Up Box For Blogger

Share To Enter
How many of you guys are getting traffic from social networking sites? There are a lot of Bloggers or web masters which are getting handsome traffic from social sites because now a days these sites are an important source of getting traffic and almost every internet user is using social sites. Well, let's come to our today's post which is about "Share To Enter" pop up box. This pop up box is really fantastic in getting traffic from social sites because when someone will enter to your blog/site. This pop up box will appear and the user will have to click on any social button to access your site. This pop up box is built with the 3 main social site buttons which are Facebook like button, Twitter tweet button and Google+ plus one button.

06 May, 2013

Add Payza Donate Button In Blogger

Payza Donate Button
Payza.com is a largest online money sending and receiving service which is being used in the world. Payza is a perfect online money sending and receiving service because it works in all countries. People join this site for personal use and some for business. People also join this site to receive their online earning through it. You can also transfer your income from bank or credit card to payza account. Well, Today here we are going to learn that how can we add a payza donate button in blogger blogs. You can add this payza donate button in your blog in order to get the donate from your readers easily. So friends what are you waiting for ? let's start adding this in your blogger blogs.

04 May, 2013

Best Tips To Write Quality and Unique Content

Content Writing Tips
This is said by every Pro Blogger that content is king and it is really king but in my opinion, that content which has low quality and has copied from other sites is not at all king. If you write your own content for your blog that is said to be as king. So many bloggers can't write the unique and quality content because they have not ever tried to generate their own content or they don't have skills about content writing. Well, this post is specially for newbies in blogging and also for them who can't generate their own content because here we are going to give some great content writing tips that can make you a great content writer. These tips can help you to write great and unique content but it will need some efforts of you. So friends, let's discuss about these tips.

30 April, 2013

Add an Efficient Email Subscription Box In Blogger

Efficient Subscription Box
We previously discussed about Social Content Locker widget which was really great and here I've come with a great email subscription box that can boost your email subscribers and will build your audience. This widget is neat clean, attractive that can make more subscribers, simple and it is build with HTML and CSS3. This widget shows the title, litter description, enter email address box and a dashing subscribe button with hover effect. The great place of adding this widget in your blog is below every post because there it will get more subscribers, So we'll add this widget below your blog's every post. This subscription box is working fine in all browsers we've checked it fully.

29 April, 2013

Create a Social Content Locker In Blogger

Social Content Locker
Now a days almost every internet user is using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter for connecting to world. Web master are also helped from social networking sites to build their site's audience, spreading their site and sending hot updates to their visitors. There are thousands of ways by which we can get traffic from social networking sites and also increase our social followers. So, Today here I'm going to share a social content locker widget that will help you to get more traffic and followers from social sites.

25 April, 2013

How To Backup and Restore Blogger Blog?

Backup Of Blog
Blogger.com is a fast growing blogging platform which is under the control of Google. People use to join Blogger for sharing their content online on internet through creating a blog. Sometimes people use to violate the policy of blogger such as publishing copyrighted content or adding malicious coding in the blog. In case, they will get their blog deleted or removed by Blogger automatic detection system. In other hand, having a complete backup or copy of your blog can save your efforts in that situations. If you have a copy of your blog then you can easily get back all the data of your blog. So here we are going to learn that how can we backup and restore our blogger blog?

23 April, 2013

Install Google+ Comments In Custom Blogger Templates

Googe+ Comments For Blogger
As you know that recently Blogger has introduced New Blogger Template HTML Editor and Google+ Commenting System for blogger. Some of our friends were unable to install the new Google+ Commenting system in their blogs because they might be using custom blogger templates and this commenting system does not works in custom blogger templates by default. This post is specially for those who wanna get this commenting system in their blogs but can't add it due to custom blogger templates and here is good news for them. Here they can install that Google+ Commenting System in their custom blogger templates.

19 April, 2013

How To Add Google+ Commenting System In Blogger?

Google+ Comments For Blogger
Recently Blogger engineers has introduced New Blogger Template HTML Editor and just few hours ago they have introduced Google+ commenting system for Blogger. This is a great update by the blogger engineers that can make our blogs more beautiful, professional and it can also help us in engaging our blog with Google+ that is also an important source of SEO. So here we're going to discuss it's advantages that are really great and we'll help you to implement this commenting system in your blogger blog.

18 April, 2013

How To Install Disqus Commenting System In Blogger

Disqus For Blogger
Blogger.com is a popular and fast growing blogging platform which is being used by millions of bloggers. Most of bloggers don't like it's comment form due to it's design and threading system and it needs some improvement. Blogger engineers will improve it in future but here we're going to discuss about Disqus commenting system. This article is specially for those who want a great commenting system in their blogger blogs because here we're giving them an idea of installing disqus comment form.

11 April, 2013

Blogger Has Got New Template HTML Editor

New Blogger Template HTML Editor
Blogger.com is a good CMS and blogging platform which is growing very fast. Day in and day out, many people are joining blogger.com and sharing their content through creating a blog. If you are also one of the Blogger.com user then here is a good news for you. Recently Blogger.com has officially released the new Blogger Template HTML Editor. This morning, when I logged in to my blogger account and was checking the my blog then I saw that there was a completely new HTML Editor. I instantly checked the buzz blogger and there I got a post where the author had described about the new blogger HTML Editor. So here we are going to discuss that what's new in the HTML Editor.

03 April, 2013

SEO Tactics For Creating a Blog Post

SEO Tactics
Search Engine Optimization is important for every web page although it is blog, forum or website. Search engine can be optimized in two ways first one is on-page and second one is off-page. We've discussed some of both tactics and here, today I'm gonna tell you some on-page SEO tactics that you must do while creating a post. These tactics will not only increase your blog's traffic but also help the search engine's crawler to crawl your posts easily. You blog will also be safe from Google's algorithms if you use these tactics on all your blog posts. So, friends, Here are these tactics, Read them carefully now.

01 April, 2013

How To Create A Contact Form For Blogger

Contact Us
The contact us form is most important for every website although it is blog, forum or site. The contact form helps us to receive feedbacks, personal emails or any report from visitor. Blogger doesn't allows to add any contact form itself but luckily here we are going to discover such site which is providing free contact form with a lot of features for any website. And that website is FoxyForm. The contact form which is being provided by FoxyForm is really good and stylish. It has stylish hover and active effects with unlimited submissions so, you don't need to worry about limited submissions. AntiSpam protection is also enabled so that the spammer can't annoy us. Have a look on that form below as a demo.

24 March, 2013

Beautiful Author Bio Box For Blogger

Author Bio Box
When any reader or visitor reads the article with great pleasure then he/she might want to know that by whom this article has been written. Keeping this thing in an eye, adding the author bio box below every post will be better. So here, Today I've brought a beautiful and attractive author bio box widget for all of you. Actually, one of our reader requested us to share that author bio box widget and we told him that it will be shared soon and here it is.

21 March, 2013

What Are Backlinks and How To Increase Them?

Increase Backlinks
Getting traffic from search engines like Google or Yahoo are the main sources in SEO but link building is also an important process in SEO. It helps us to drive more traffic on our blog/site and spreads our blog/site widely on the internet. These backlinks also help us in improving our blog/site's Google Page Rank and Alexa Ranking. Well, Today we are going to discuss about building backlinks of our blog. So, below I have detailed backlinks, its kinds and how to increase backlinks.

13 March, 2013

Add Facebook Pop Up Like Box In Blogger

Every blogger wants to increase his blog's traffic which is most important. They use to try every way of increasing their blog's traffic and social networking is also one of the best way to increase the traffic. In the internet world, Facebook is the top first social network platform which is used in whole the world. So, Facebook is  most important for every blogger in increasing the traffic of his blog. Most of bloggers use to create a fan page on Facebook for their blogs in order to increase traffic and sending hot updates to their visitors. They can get more visitors and make their blog popular on Facebook just by increasing their Facebook fan page likes. So here I am giving you a best Facebook pop up like box widget for blogger. You can boost your Facebook Fan Page likes just by adding this widget in your blog.

12 March, 2013

How To Install Google Analytics In Blogger

Google Analytics
Keeping track of the site statistics is most important for every web master so that he may know that how his site is going on. This process is done in every web page although it is blog, website or forum. So today here we are going to discuss that how can we know the real and accurate statistics of blogger blog. There are hundreds of platforms by which we can know our blog's statistics but to be honest, Most of them are not accurate or real. I will always suggest you to use Google Analytics because it is the best web statistics generator.

08 March, 2013

Submit Blogger Sitemap To Bing and Yahoo

Blogger Sitemap To Bing
Bing and Yahoo are the top 2 web search engines in the world which are widely used. In order to get traffic from search engines, Google is most important for indexing your sitemap and Bing and Yahoo are also important because these are top 2 search engines. So Today's article is about submitting blogger sitemap to Bing and Yahoo. Basically, These both search engines are connected with each other and we shall submit blogger sitemap to only Bing search engine and Yahoo will automatically get your site's pages from Bing. It is not too difficult to submit this sitemap, it's so easy. You just need to follow the simple below given steps. So friends, let's start it.



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